Anna Lee Stangl is Joint Head of Advocacy at CSW. Anna Lee has been at CSW since she was appointed as European Union Liaison Officer in 1999. She spent 11 years in Brussels coordinating CSW’s advocacy on international religious freedom with the EU and also developed CSW’s research and advocacy in Latin America establishing our work in Cuba, Colombia, Mexico and most recently, Nicaragua.
In 2012 she moved back to the US and is now based in Washington DC. Around five years ago she was appointed Joint Head of the Advocacy department and she also continues to lead the Americas Team, in addition to monitoring and coordinating our US government focused advocacy.
Join Darren and CSW's Lead Advocate for Vietnam, Laos and North Korea as they discuss the issues related to freedom of religion or belief...
Scot is CEO of CSW. He is married to Misty, they have two kids and one grandchild. He runs stupidly long distances (badly), is...
Reverend Yunusa Nmadu is founder and CEO of CSW Nigeria. He is a convert from Islam, a pastor and church leader who seeks redemptive...